A study by Econsultancy stated that despite the fact a basket reminder strategy can recover as much as 25% of abandoned revenue, a surprisingly high number of retailers (59%) don’t do this at all.

And if they are executed in an omnichannel way (rather than purely as an email exercise) abandoned basket strategies can deliver even more impressive results.

Here’s a strategy that worked well for a retailer:

A man browses a selection of coats on their phone way home to work, adds one to his basket then fails to complete the purchase.

1. When he turns on his iPad later in the evening, welcome him back with a pop up reminding him of what he added to the basket. Include a link to your ‘coat buying guide’.

2. Leave a banner on the bottom of the page displaying the items he browsed during his last visit.

3. If he moves to leave your site, display a pop-up with a personalised offer ‘x% off coats’ (tweak the value depending on the value of what he previously added to his basket). Or a different offer if his behaviour suggests his interests have changed.

4. If he doesn’t return to your site within X timeframe, then send him an email reminding him of the offer.

5. Whether he comes back to the site via email or not, ensure the offer is visible onsite next time he’s your website (whether he’s on his laptop, iPad or mobile).

6. If he has your app and is passing your store, send a push notification with the offer on, driving him into your store.

Retailers have recently enjoyed some great results from abandonment campaigns with one retailer reporting a 1,898% ROI* on an abandoned basket pop-up alone and enjoyed a 27% click through rate on abandoned basket emails.

We can get you some cross-channel browse and basket abandonment campaigns up and running quite quickly. CONTACT us.

*On Persomi monthly fee